
Diablo 3 2019 review
Diablo 3 2019 review

It was true, it was better on console than on PC. To persuade me to buy it, one friend actually brought the disc over and we played together into the night. My friends and I share the same console, and I’m awfully tired of the monotony of not having a game I’m slightly dedicated to playing often.

diablo 3 2019 review diablo 3 2019 review

I tried it for a few hours after they added paragons, and never went back even when a lot of my friends playing on consoles said the game was amazing on console (I scoffed). Eventually, my friends and I started to call it, “DiaBLOWS.” Blame the auction house, blame the mechanics, blame my tastes we just ended up hating it. The gameplay was fun and polished, but having access to all skills killed some of the fun of building characters (that and playing through the campaign 4 times with no shortcuts). The fact was the game had no real longevity and felt nothing like the first two installments. Overhype? I try not to let myself get hyped up on games anymore. I remember the excitement as I started my first playthrough, and how the game unfolded to become one of my biggest letdowns I’ve had. Its predecessor had been the one game I always migrated back to when I was bored. When Diablo 3 came out for the PC in May of 2012, I immediately jumped at the chance to play. Let me provide a smidgen of background information. However, I told myself, “Remember how awesome LOD was compared to DIABLO 2?” So, I got the game, and I’m very glad I did. I really wasn’t sure it was a game I wanted to revisit.

diablo 3 2019 review

I was extremely hesitant when my friends begged me to pick up DIABLO 3: ULTIMATE EVIL EDITION for my PS4.

Diablo 3 2019 review